New Guinea Singing Dog
TheNew Guinea singing dogorNew Guinea Highland dog is a dog native to theNew Guinea Highlandsof the island ofNew Guinea. The dog is noted for its uniquevocalization. Little is known about New Guinea singing dogs in the wild, and there are only two photographs of possible wild sightings. It costs $1,999.

Mudi is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. he is leaving in Hungary and It is closely related to thePuli and Pumi, from which it was separated in the 1930s. It costs $2,000 -

Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo is a dog breed that comes from the Romagna in Italy. Lagotto is a very sportive breed which he loves running and walking. It costs $7,444.

Thai Ridgeback
Thai Ridgeback was reacently characterized as a standardized breed. The breed was formerly unknown outsideThailand, but is gaining notice in the Western world. It costs $1,447.50.

Norwegian Lundehund
Norwegian Lundehund is a small dog breed wich originates from Norway. The dog was orinally developed fpr the hunting of puffins and their eggs. It costs $3,000.

Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Mastiff is a large Tibettan dog breed which it belongs to the mastiff family. Males can reach heights up to 83 cm, and they can have weigh up to 115 kg. It costs $1,500 to $5,000.

Finnish Spitz
Finnish Spitz is a dog breed which it comes form Finland. They are often described as looking to a red fox cub. They cost $1000 to $2000.

Azawakh is a very tall dog breed from West Africe. Its height is 61 to 74 cm and Its weigh 15 to 25 kg. They are short, flat back combined with long legs place the hips higher than the withers. The Azawakh is almond eyed and thin. It moves with a distinctly feline gait and can be found in a variety of colors as well as varying degrees of refinement, though format is basically constant. It costs up to $2000.

Swedish Vallhund
Swedish Vallhund is a very short and small dog breed leaving in Sweden.In 1942, the dog came close to extinction, but careful breeding and publicity by Swedish national Bjorn von Rosen managed to revive the breed in popularity and save it from its likely end.The average height of the Swedish Vallhund, is 33 cm for males and 31 cm for females.

Bedlington Terrier
Bedlengton Terrier is a a small dog breed from Bedlington,NorthumberlandinNorth East England. The Bedlington Terrier has been described as resembling a lamb. It costs $3,700.

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